Ramadhaan is a month of Forgiveness.
Ramadhaan is a month of Rahmah.
Ramadhaan is the month of generosity.
Ramadhaan, the month that Allaah subhaanahu wa ta’ala accepts the Tawbah of the servants, and the month that Allaah blesses His servants.
We are in need of Ramadhaan to correct ourselves, for we have forgotten Allaah tabarak wa ta’ala for the majority of the year.
To correct ourselves for we have been neglectful.
To correct ourselves for we are not upon the remembrance of Allaah.
To correct ourselves because our hearts have gotten hard, some hearts are dead, some hearts are sick, some hearts are stone-cold, some hearts are black, getting no benefit whatsoever. Some hearts are so bad, and so ill that they see a good as a Munkar, (as an evil), and they see an evil as a good. These are not as they should be.
We need a Ramadhaan. We need a Ramadhaan because our connection with Allaah tabarak wa ta’ala is not correct.
We need a Ramadhaan because we do not have any Khushoo or devotion in our Salaah.
We need a Ramadhaan because our Qura’an has dust and is sitting on a shelf.
We need a Ramadhaan because we never read the books of Sunnah.
We need a Ramadhaan because we don’t fast, and if we fast physically without food or drink, we don’t fast with our eyes by lowering them and our tongue by not slandering and our tongue by not lying and back-biting. We need a Ramadhaan to get ourselves back in order, to work for the Hereafter, to connect ourselves to Allaah tabarak wa ta’ala.
We need a Ramadhaan because relationships brother to brother and sister to sister is in a miserable condition.
We need a Ramadhaan because we have bad thoughts about one another.
We need a Ramadhaan because of dhulm, injustice to one another.
We need a Ramadhaan because there is backbiting, there is envy, there is jealousy, and there is slander.
We need a Ramadhaan because we are despicable, because we are sick, because we are ill. (All these are diseases of the heart)
We need a Ramadhaan because we don’t believe in the promise of Allaah tabarak wa ta’ala, or if we do, we do not implement it.
We need a Ramadhaan because it is time for us to change and become something better then we are now.
We need a Ramadhaan because that is the only thing that is going to get us together…
We need a Ramadhaan because we don’t have unity, there’s no brotherhood
We need a Ramadhaan because there’s no respect for elders
We need a Ramadhaan because there’s no real love between us
We need a Ramadhaan, full of love and the Mercy of Allaah tabarak wa ta’ala
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